Views in Drupal 8 is one of the main tools for presenting the content. With Views are built all the lists of content in the default Drupal 8 vanilla installation. The front page list, the admin content overview page, all the taxonomy term, user lists etc. Our Drupal 8 Views Course will go through all the main bells and whistles of this tool and will enable you to present your Drupal content the way you want!
Knowing how to use Views means not only that you can add bells and whistles to those pages, to make them look as you wish but also that you can create complete new pages, blocks with content, featured articles lists and much more.
In Drupal 8 the Views module is already in core. That means that it is no longer just the coolest contributed module, but is part of the whole must-know-how of Drupal.
In this course, you will learn how to use the Views in order to edit the existing lists inside of a Drupal website and also how to present new lists with your content.
We will go through all the main tools and settings of the Views interface and I will show you as many examples as possible right away.
As always we will start from the very beginning. We will install Drupal 8 with the help of Aquia Dev Desktop and we will build on that.
Further, I will try to introduce the main sections of the course with several words.
Here we will start with what is views, we will see all the pre-existing views as you install Drupal. We will go through all the sections of the Views interface and we will try to have a basic understanding of the tools that we could use. We will know at the end what are the Views types, Views displays, Views formats. We will see what we can do with the Views filters and how to sort our lists. In the end, we will check how to add headers and footers to our views and what kind of Pagers we could use when we have more results. I tried to show every each of the sub-topics and explain using simple examples, where you could actually see how it looks like.
In this section, we will see how to use access permissions to restrict the showing of a particular content, we will learn and make an example with the Contextual Filters option. We will see how we could use the Relationships section of the Views interface in order to bring data from related entities to our view. We will see how magically we could convert our Views to Ajax and we will take a look at the logic behind the caching functions of views.
Here we will simply create a Page view, a Block view, an Attachment view and an Entity Reference. Simply example views for each of these View display types, just to gather some practice and get involved in actual tasks that you might need for your own projects.
I picked some cool modules, after the installing of which some cool new functionality is brought. The Infinite Scroll module will enable us to implement a pager that loads new content when we reach the bottom of the page or with the help of load more button. The Better Exposed Filters module enables us to have exposed our exposed filters looking more user-friendly (like the ability to have our select field or taxonomy term field exposed filters as checkboxes). We will take a look at the Views Slideshow module with the help of which we would be able to present content as a slider. We will install every each of these modules in different videos and we will make a simple example with each of them.
We will package and build a new front-page entirely with views. It will consist of a top project slider, in the bottom we will show some articles in a slightly different way and we will also implement an archive page with all the nodes that will be filterable.
This course is made for people that have no experience with Drupal Views or people that have worked with it but are willing to have a deeper understanding of how to use this great module.
Thank you so much for the interest and I am looking forward to teaching you some Drupal.
The idea is though not just to be another platform with some boring videos but all the videos to be inspired by real-world problems. That means something that you will most probably need if you work with Drupal.
We want you to be successful and we want to teach you everything we know about Drupal!
So watch the videos, try to follow and reproduce, ask questions and you will see you will be able to conquer this wonderful sea that Drupal 8 is.