In this video, we will see the easiest for declaring Drupal 8 theme and activating it.
We are going to be creating the folder in which we are going to have all the files related to our custom theme. Since it is a theme created by
Then we are going to create our .info file. In it, we are going to set the name and the description of our theme. These two values will later appear in the overview of the available themes on the Appearance page in Drupal (/admin/appearance). We are also we are going to set the type and the core required values in our info.yml file.
name: Drupal Up Theme
description: Our super cool custom theme
type: theme
core: 8.x
base theme: classy
For this particular theme, we decided to use the classy theme as a base theme and we specified it in the "base theme" value in the .info.yml file.
In this video, we will also see where to find our newly create Drupal 8 theme and how to install and set it as default so that we could use it as a front end theme of our Drupal 8 instance.
Installing a Drupal 8 website video here.
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