About us

The Drupal-Up project is a Monday project that is meant for me to share my Drupal experience.

troll.*: Wait wait wait! What is a Monday project and who are you? *well, just a normal troll, nothing fancy

I am glad you asked! A Monday project is a project that I do Mondays, after work and I am Nikolay the guy who makes the tutorials. I am a PHP Drupal developer.

troll*: booring ... Why is this page called "About us" when it is just you?*well, just a normal troll, nothing fancy

you are a nosy little troll but I have an answer for that too. It is me, who makes the tutorials but actually, there are plenty of graphic elements and those are created by Mariya and there is the cat Mira that is always supporting by sleeping next to me while I record, and there is Drupal Dan - the mascot of the site. So it is us.

the troll* is sleeping ... *well, just a normal troll, nothing fancy


Drupal Up team

The team: Mariya(graphics), Nikolay(video execution), Mira(stress reducing cuddly ball of furr)

The setup for recording the videos + the sleepy Mira aside.

The setup for recording the videos + the sleepy Mira aside



For contacting feel free to drop a message at hi[at]drupal-up.com

Drupal Up is a platform for learning Drupal ...

Drupal Dan promoting
The idea is though not just to be another platform with some boring videos but all the videos to be inspired by real-world problems. That means something that you will most probably need if you work with Drupal. We want you to be successful and we want to teach you everything we know about Drupal!
So watch the videos, try to follow and reproduce, ask questions and you will see you will be able to conquer this wonderful sea that Drupal 8 is.